Monday, December 17, 2007


Where you store your wig can have an effect on how it looks and how long it will last. Properly stored wigs should last you several years and the quality of the hair and its style should not diminish. One investment you should make to help you store the wig properly is to buy a good wig stand. This is so you have a permanent place for your wig and you don’t end up leaving it on top of tables, inside desk drawers or any place where the wig will most likely lose its shape. Always store your lace front wig in a cool, dry place. Storing your lace front wig in a warm place may cause it to lose its shape or to damage the weave. Do not store your hair when it is still wet so as not to let mold and mildew develop on the lace front wig storing in a humid place will also cause the wig to have bad smell. If you plan to use the lace front wig regularly, just place it on top of a wig stand on your bedside table or your dresser. If you plan to store it inside a closet, make sure to aerate the wig once in a while.
Looking for the best quality lace front wigs or full lace wig, please visit us
We have the most affordable and best quality lace front wigs on the net.